May you watch over the people you have loved, as they feel in their hearts the love you have given them all. Rest In Peace.
Dear Friends,
I was lucky to meet and spend a little time with Margit and Bo on a couple of occasions during their visits to Paris. The first time was on the rue de Rivoli, on a glorious spring day. I remember it well. We met front of the wonderful Galignani, where we admired books and discussed, among others, Antonia Frasers biography of Marie Antoinette. We then had a lovely tea at the Hôtel Meurice.
On later occasions, I also saw Margit at 8 rue Sédillot when she came to stay with Ulf and Farzaneh. So, yes, I am one of the lucky ones to have met them both along with the rest of the family: Caroline, Hanna, Lisa, Mikael. The only one I never met but heard a lot about was Filip, Margits mischiveous little companion.
I admired Margits active roles in life and work. Firstly, with Bo and their three wonderful children and then as a profesor and member of Parliament for several decades. In many countries, being an active member of Parliament was a true exception for a woman of her generation. A grand example that will, no doubt, continue to influence all those who knew and loved her !
My heart goes out to the family who cared for her so lovingly and all those who carry Margit in their hearts. She will live on in our thoughts and memories.
Pachi (María Josefina Calderón)
Tack Margit för dina insatser för att genomföra ålderspensionsreformen.
Remembering Margit with fond memories and gratitude. My deepest sympathies and condolences to Caroline, Ulf and Mikael and all the family! "Everything arises out of the One, everything returns to the One."
I remember Margit as a vibrant woman many years ago, a wonderful mother to Ulf, Mikael and Caroline. May she rest in peace after her long illness.
We wish you our deepest condolences,
Siân and Conor
En sista hälsning från Frihetsfronten
Dear Margit
You are always in our thoughts.
Fahimeh and Farzin
I ljust minne hos oss.Marie,Karin och Ingrid med familjer
Med varmt deltagande
Ola Eiken
Tack Margit för din klokhet!